
Casualplay participates in the Child Safety Table in the vehicle

On November 15, the first meeting of the child safety sector was held in Madrid at the Jarama Circuit, with the presence of manufacturers of child restraint systems, universities, the DGT, the clubs RACE and RACCthe National Child Safety Association and the OCUamong others.

Casualplay, which in its 50 years of history has always expressed its firm commitment to the safety of the little ones, is part of this table that, for the first time, and under the slogan “Your safety, our commitment”, has brought together the main manufacturers of child restraint systems in Spain to look for working formulas that reduce the risk of injury to children when travelling by car.

All the members of the table committed to work on improving the safety of children, with the signing of an agreement that includes the following objectives:

  • Improve the training of professionals in charge of the sale of child restraint devices through their technical training, as it is a safety system that requires specific training on risk prevention.
  • To promote the information of those responsible for the safety of minors, through materials and resources aimed at improving their knowledge of child protection.
  • To investigate and promote technical studies that improve safety and reduce the risk of children in vehicles, with the collaboration of entities of recognized prestige in the field.
  • Carry out informative awareness campaigns on the need to carry children properly protected in the vehicle.

Before the end of the year, a second meeting will be held aimed at the legal constitution of the Child Safety Board, as well as the creation of a management body in which all the member groups of this forum are represented.

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