What is the isofix base?

The isofix bases were born out of the need to offer parents a quick and safe installation system for group 0+ baby carriers in the car.
Without an isofix base in the car, the installation of the baby carrier is done using the seat belt, which requires more time and precision, to pass it through the guides correctly without leaving any type of slack. Studies carried out in this regard indicate that this is one of the main “misuses” made by parents, thus detracting from the safety that this child seat provides.
On the other hand, with an isofix base attached to the vehicle seat, installation is simple and effective thanks to the quick-anchoring device. With a single “click” we connect the baby carrier to the isofix base, which has a red indicator to warn us if it is not correctly installed, or green if the installation has been perfect, guaranteeing that the safety is total, without errors. Thus fulfilling two objectives: easy installation of the baby carrier and maximum safety with total guarantee.
Opting for the purchase of an isofix base is also a smart decision that babies and parents will appreciate, and it is not necessary to take them out of the baby carrier to put it in another seat installed in the car, it simply fixes gently on the car and if the baby sleeps… he does not even notice!
And it does not become another bulky object of the many that accompany the baby in its first months of life, because it is installed permanently and during the time of use, without taking up space in the trunk.
In Casualplay We have an ISOFIX base for each of our 0+ groups. The BaseFix Sono and the BaseFix Baby 0+. ¿Cuál eliges tu?
Javier Castillo
Product Manager
Child Safety Systems