My first Easter vacation as a mom. By Rojo Valentino

But this coming Easter will be our first acid test as a family: the first holidays of the four of us together (our dog Bimba is one more member) And, in addition to making me immensely excited, they also represent a beautiful challenge that I wanted to share with you today.
For this special occasion we have opted for a family, close and mountain destination. Come on, you could say we’ve played it safe 😉 We didn’t want to complicate our lives too much and thus be able to enjoy as much as possible a few days of some relaxation, of time for ourselves.
The means of transport is already known to our little ones: both Edu and Bimba are used to the car and we have the necessary restraint systems in it to make them comfortable and safe. Although we will not do a lot of kilometers, we will be prepared to be able to stop at any time and change diapers, prepare an emergency bibe or lower and stretch our legs a little. In this sense, if the route were longer, I think we would have studied the route and considered the possible stop options for those emergency situations 😉
I will not deny that when one plans to travel, and more so with a baby of a few months, the initial stress is important: travel light travel fast is over forever (although I am afraid, to the misfortune of my dear and long-suffering husband, that I have not practiced it in my life haha). Now it is more than necessary to plan your luggage conscientiously to try not to travel as if it were a move; But of course, things get quite complicated when the little one traveling with you needs to carry behind him a good arsenal of products and various gadgets . My advice? Reduce as much as possible: folding bathtubs that come to nothing, minimal high chairs, diapers that can be bought when we arrive at our destinations… Simplify, oh my! The good thing is that nowadays in most places they are moderately prepared to meet the needs of these crazy little ones so, as far as possible, it is best to reduce, reduce and reduce the list of things to put in the trunk… Of course, you should not skimp on clothing because unforeseen and necessary changes are sometimes sure to make more than one “just in case” essential! That means that for adults it is time to reduce the extra looks 😉
Once the suitcase phase is over and, if possible, without much discussion in between (marriages of the world, I’m sure you understand me!) and after checking that the car and the security measures are in order, it’s time to enjoy the journey. Our baby is still very young and gets a little distracted by looking out the window before falling into a deep sleep, but if your children are a little older it is very likely that you will need to bring toys and/or devices that can distract them and make the journey more bearable.
Choosing the destination and making it kids friendly seems extremely important to me. Before we were parents, if we wanted total relaxation we avoided places where children were welcome. A little radical? Maybe, but the truth is that we were in another stage of life and we preferred to enjoy true calm and tranquility. That is why now, that we are on the other side of the barrier, we want to continue respecting those options and we know that our place, when we travel with little Edu, is in the places where children roam freely 😉
Obviously, travelling accompanied by children completely changes our vision of it: the choice of destination, its planning, even its enjoyment! For some the quality of it may go down, maybe it’s not worth the effort, but I think so. It’s different, of course. But in my humble opinion it is a thousand times more exciting because discovering a destination (or rediscovering it if it is not the first time you go) with your child is amazing and very enriching. Seeing the world through their eyes is one of the things that excites me the most and that makes every effort worthwhile. After all, they are the center of our universe, right?
How do you plan your holidays with the little ones?
I hope you enjoy them very much!